Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Content of Dangerous Chemicals In Soap That Can Damage Skin

Soap has a very important role in their daily activities bathroom, because it can cleanse the body of impurities as well as to make your body become fresh and fragrant. However, you should still be careful in choosing the type Washes and note making ingredients, lest your skin becomes damaged or exposed to allergy and dry. Instead of getting healthy skin instead of your skin being damaged due to the content of hazardous chemicals contained in these soap products.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a chemical that is harmful to the skin can usually be found in some products such as toothpaste and soap on. This chemical is one surfactant cleaning agents to remove dirt and grease stains. These chemicals have properties as a powerful cleaning agents and chemicals are usually mixed into cleaning products because it has the ability to generate a lot of foam.
But unfortunately, although it has a strong capability as a cleaner, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) if used for a long time and often, can lead to high irritation to the skin. And for the short term lead to allergies, itching, dry skin and redness. These side effects can be clearly seen in people who have sensitive skin types. Moreover, because the power pembersihnya strong, SLS can lift and scrape the fat which is very useful for the skin. Though fat has a very important role for the skin because it can protect the skin from free radicals, sun exposure, and also things that can damage the health and moisture, such as allergies and irritation.
In order to avoid this SLS, when you choose your soaps thorough should first read the label and ingredient manufacture. Besides soap products containing SLS will feel more abrasive on the skin when used.

Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

If The Bath Soap More Fragrant Will More Good ?

Choice of bath soap that is very diverse, it can be confusing. Want to select soap for the skin or who have a strong fragrance all day? Apparently, behind your soap choice, save its own consequences, such as the risk of choosing an overly scented soaps.

Women love anything scented. However, you need to know is to add luster to the product element of the actual soap with added coloring. It does not hurt to add a manufacturing fragrances in soaps they produce, as long as we as a smart consumer choice. Extract fragrance allergy safest lowest level to be included in the ingredients of soap is scented fruits, then, is the scent of flowers. Fragrance from animal extracts like musk, in a study showed that having high levels of allergenic and is dry skin.

Better to look for soaps with fragrance, you may prefer soaps that make the skin healthy. Maintenance of a healthy body begins at the main function of a shower bath is to cleanse the skin of impurities. Find a soap with moisturizer content is high, so the wash and rinse the skin, does not damage the skin's natural lipids and proteins that produce the skin dry and rough. Again, we as consumers need to be more observant and smart to choose the brand and type of soap to skin. Do not be tempted by a particular scent, but exclude the main function using soap.

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

The Unique Soap

      As we know that one of the forms of soap is soap bar. Bar soap has several advantages. One is able to be formed into various shapes unique, funny, cool, and beautiful. The adults like the various forms, especially the children, they would like it. Let's look at the form of the various forms of this fascinating soap.

Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013

Title                : The Red Veil and The Wolf
Who                 : ~The Red Veil
                          ~ The Wolf
                          ~ Grandmother
                          ~ Father

Where              : grandmother's house in the middle of the forest at the foot of the mountain 

When               : in the morning

What happened one day? : In the morning, the wolf saw the red vail walked to her grandmother's house with  brought breads and milks. It wanted ate the red veil.    

What happened then? : The wolf draw up a bad plan for red veil and then it preceded red veil to the grandmother's house.

Then.....?  : After it arrived, it tie up grandmother and locked in room. Then, the wolf And
weared grandmother blouse to pretended became red veil's grandmother. The red veil arrived at grandmother' house. She wondered because her grandmother had a lot of feathers. And then the wolf swallowed her. the wolf very full and sleepy.

What happened next?       : Father came because the red veil still not home. He untied grandmother and found the wolf slept in the kitchen.     


What is the end of the story?  : Father cut the stomach of wolf and red veil safed.

How is the ending?
Happy or sad?  ^-^ Happy Ending ^-^