Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013

Title                : The Red Veil and The Wolf
Who                 : ~The Red Veil
                          ~ The Wolf
                          ~ Grandmother
                          ~ Father

Where              : grandmother's house in the middle of the forest at the foot of the mountain 

When               : in the morning

What happened one day? : In the morning, the wolf saw the red vail walked to her grandmother's house with  brought breads and milks. It wanted ate the red veil.    

What happened then? : The wolf draw up a bad plan for red veil and then it preceded red veil to the grandmother's house.

Then.....?  : After it arrived, it tie up grandmother and locked in room. Then, the wolf And
weared grandmother blouse to pretended became red veil's grandmother. The red veil arrived at grandmother' house. She wondered because her grandmother had a lot of feathers. And then the wolf swallowed her. the wolf very full and sleepy.

What happened next?       : Father came because the red veil still not home. He untied grandmother and found the wolf slept in the kitchen.     


What is the end of the story?  : Father cut the stomach of wolf and red veil safed.

How is the ending?
Happy or sad?  ^-^ Happy Ending ^-^


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